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The Fruit Key Chain is the perfect  project for a child who loves to sew or is  learning how to hand sew, as you can make it more difficult depending on your design choices.   We first tried this project during our Online after school classes and our students loved it! We gave them the option to try out a blanket stitch around the final outside edge if they were comfortable with it. We give you this same option, with a link to our video of our founder, Lara, showing you how to do this very useful and adorable emdroidery stitch. You will receive this aong with our incredibly detailed instructions and all the materials needed to make 2  key chains and 2 pins.






  • Detailed printed/pictured instructions
  • Link to instructional video
  • Felt colors necessary for 2 felt key chains and 2 Pins
  • Needle with Large eye
  • Embroidery Floss
  • 2 Key chain Rings
  • 2 pin backs
  • Ribbons

Fruit Key Chain/Pin Kit


    have a question? email us!

    After School Classes and Summer Camps are held at the
    540 President Street
    Studio 2i, Buzzer #38, Brooklyn
    917 929 4555

    Thanks for submitting!

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